ශ්‍රී ලංකා ප්‍රජාතාන්ත්‍රික සමාජවාදී ජනරජයේ තානාපති සහ නිත්‍ය නියෝජිත කාර්යාලය, බැංකොක්, තායිලන්ත රාජධානිය

இலங்கை ஜனநாயக சோசலிச குடியரசின் தூதரகம் மற்றும் நிரந்தர வதிவிடம், பாங்கொக், தாய்லாந்து இராச்சியம்

The Embassy and Permanent Mission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand

Accredited to the Kingdom of Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic and
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)

Registration of Birth and Citizenship

For more information please visit – https://www.immigration.gov.lk/pages_e.php?id=5

Application Fee

Birth Registration:

  • Registration of Birth – 429 THB
  • For issue of Birth Certificate or each additional copy there of – 440 THB

Citizenship Registration:

  • Citizenship Registration within the prescribed period – 1,100 THB
  • For a delayed citizenship application -110 THB (per each year)