ශ්‍රී ලංකා ප්‍රජාතාන්ත්‍රික සමාජවාදී ජනරජයේ තානාපති සහ නිත්‍ය නියෝජිත කාර්යාලය, බැංකොක්, තායිලන්ත රාජධානිය

இலங்கை ஜனநாயக சோசலிச குடியரசின் தூதரகம் மற்றும் நிரந்தர வதிவிடம், பாங்கொக், தாய்லாந்து இராச்சியம்

The Embassy and Permanent Mission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand

Accredited to the Kingdom of Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic and
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)


  • Tourist arrivals from Thailand to Sri Lanka gradually increased from 2012 to 2019 and recorded their peak in the year 2017 with an increase of 14.44 compared to the year 2016.
  • Thailand was the 39th source of tourist arrivals to Sri Lanka in 2020. The tourist arrivals from Thailand decreased by 80.93% compared to 2019 due to the adverse effects associated with Covid-19 and measures taken to combat the same. And in 2021 it has further decreased. However, in 2022 a noticeable increase in tourists from Thailand was recorded due to the factors such as the lifting of travel restrictions and improved air accessibility in Sri Lanka.

Tourist arrivals from Thailand

Year Tourists Arrivals Change (%)
2011 5,880
2012 7,897 34.30
2013 9,608 21.67
2014 9,260 -3.62
2015 10,112 9.20
2016 9,462 -6.43
2017 10,828 14.44
2018 9,178 -15.24
2019 9,861 7.44
2020 1,880 -80.93
2021 247 -86.86
2022 1,725 598.38