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The Embassy and Permanent Mission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand

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UN Day of Vesak message
Ambassador E.A.S. Wijayanthi Edirisinghe was granted the Royal Audience to Present the Letter of Credence to King Maha Vajiralongkorn Phra Vajiraklaochaoyuhua of the Kingdom of Thailand

Ambassador E.A.S. Wijayanthi Edirisinghe was granted the Royal Audience to Present the Letter of Credence to King Maha Vajiralongkorn Phra Vajiraklaochaoyuhua of the Kingdom of Thailand

The King Maha Vajiralongkorn Phra Vajiraklaochaoyuhua of the Kingdom of Thailand has graciously granted a Royal Audience to E.A.S. Wijayanthi Edirisinghe Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Sri Lanka to the Kingdom of Thailand, and Permanent Representative to UNESCAP, on 20th October 2024, for the Presentation of Letter of Credence at Amphorn Royal Palace in Bangkok.

UN Day of Vesak message by Hon Dinesh Gunawardena BE 2565 (2021)
UN Day of Vesak Message
BE 2565 (2021)

Venerable Maha Sanga,
Respected Religious dignitaries,
His Excellency Antonio Gutteres Secretary General of the United Nations,
His Excellency Volkan Bozkir President of the General Assembly,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Dear Friends of the Dhamma,

I am indeed pleased to join you today from Sri Lanka to celebrate this most sacred day for Buddhists, the world over.

Today is a day for the whole of humanity to observe, as Buddhism is considered with the most precious aspects of spiritual, philosophical, ethical, intellectual, cultural, artistic and social heritage of the entire humankind.

The full moon day of Vesak marks the birth, enlightenment, and passing away of the Buddha, as the thrice blessed events occurred on the full moon day in the month of May.

Therefore, Today is also celebrated by One-fifth of the world’s population as the 2610th anniversary of the Birth of Buddhism.

Today we mark the 21st anniversary of the international recognition of ‘the day of Vesak’ by the United Nations. It is heartening to see the most sacred day to a fifth of the world’s population, being celebrated and appreciated by the UN global community. In this light, I pay tribute to the late Hon. Lakshman Kadiragamar, who in his capacity as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka took the initiative and proposed in 1999 at the 54th General Assembly that the UN honor the Buddha by observing the day of Vesak as a special day.

I extend my appreciation to the Venerable Maha Sangha and other religious dignitaries, for participating at this significant and sacred commemoration.

Buddhism is a philosophy that espouses living a noble life, a life that follows the ‘middle path’ and is devoted of excessive pleasure and excessive sorrow. It is in following the middle path, ‘Madyama Prathipadava’ – that will help us realize the true nature of things and shed the ignorance that fuels our anger, ego and jealousy.

The Buddha’s teachings are not confined to caste, gender or nationality-they are universal principles and teachings available to all, just as enlightenment and truth is a blessing for all. An ethos that is reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The principles and wisdom of Buddhism are ingrained in the very culture and values of Sri Lanka. From the sacred Bodhi Tree in Anuradhapura to Temple of the Sacred Tooth in Kandy, to the temple cave in Dambulla, to the offerings during harvest seasons or Buddhism’s influence on the formation of olden kingdoms – we can see the impact and value Buddhism has had on Sri Lankan culture and belief since its introduction to the island 2600 years ago.

even after 2600 and more years, Teachings of the Buddha continues to be sought after in today’s modern world, for the great wisdom and deep values it instills. Even more as Buddhism shows path to ease stress, assures tranquility, and brings serenity in the minds of today’s troubled world.

Buddhism recognizes that all religions share the same aim of working for the well-being of mankind. Everywhere Buddhism traveled, it never tried to replace whatever belief systems or practices which existed prior to its coming. With ease of tolerance and accommodation, Buddhism took in and understood all that was of value in every culture.

As we look to emerge from the COVID- 19 pandemic and focus on rebuilding our nations and our global community, I believe teachings of the Buddha will surely guide us.

We are facing unprecedented times that are stressful for us all – a time that challenges our relationships and we have witnessed globally, situations of anger and hostility. We must reject hate and ensure that there is no room for it in our responses.

This is why the Buddha taught us that the goal and the very purpose of one’s existence it to serve for the benefit of others – Parattham Patipajjatha

Let me conclude with the noble words of the Buddha;

Sabbitiyo vivajjantu
Sabbarogo vinassatu
Ma te bhavatvantarayo
Sukhi digayukho baha

May all misfortunes be avoided!
May all sickness be healed!
May no dangers befall you!
May you live long and happily!

May blessings of the Noble Triple Gem be with you all!

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