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இலங்கை ஜனநாயக சோசலிச குடியரசின் தூதரகம் மற்றும் நிரந்தர வதிவிடம், பாங்கொக், தாய்லாந்து இராச்சியம்

The Embassy and Permanent Mission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand

Accredited to the Kingdom of Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic and
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)

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Home 5 Press Releases 5 Sri Lanka joined with several other countries at the First International Food and Drink Tasting initiated and hosted
Sri Lanka joined with several other countries at the First International Food and Drink Tasting initiated and hosted
Embassy Press Releases / Special Notices
Sri Lanka joined with several other countries at the First International Food and Drink Tasting initiated and hosted
Ambassador of Sri Lanka pays homage to Bo Sapling of the Sacred Sri Maha Bodhi tree gifted to Thailand

Ambassador of Sri Lanka pays homage to Bo Sapling of the Sacred Sri Maha Bodhi tree gifted to Thailand

The Sri Lankan Ambassador to Thailand and the Permanent Representative to UNESCAP E.A.S. Wijayanthi Edirisinghe visited the Wat Vajirathammaram in Ayutthaya recently and attended a ceremonial worship of the sacred Bo Saplin tree of the Sri Maha Bodhi tree of Sri Lanka organized by the Sri Lanka Association of Thailand. The sacred Bo saplin was gifted to Thailand in year 2019 to offer merit to His Majesty Late King Bhumibol Adulyadej and also bestow blessings to His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun in his reign for peace and prosperity and the people of Thailand.

by the Ambassador of Kazakhstan in Bangkok on 26 Sep 2020, with the participation of a group of female Ambassadors in Bangkok, representing Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Egypt, Norway, and Turkey. Each Ambassador invited one Thai female guest of honour, who is a prominent personality in her area of work, to join in tasting an array of international foods and drinks presented by the participating Ambassadors from their countries.

Ms. Surapee Rojanavongse, Chairman of the Gaysorn Group and the President of the Thai Handicraft Promotion Trade Association (THAT) joined as the guest of Ambassador H.E. ( Mrs.) Samantha K. Jayasuriya, and the rest of the Thai guests of honour included President and Owner of Sukosol Hotels Mrs. Kamala Sukosol, President and Chief Executive Officer Trend Bio Co. Ltd. Mrs. Patra Chirathivat, CEO of Chartered Bank Ms. Lyn Kok, Senior Assistant to the Vice President, General Director of the Banyan Tree Hotel Ms. Nopparat Aumpa, Director of the Devawongse Varopakarna Institute of Foreign Affairs (DVIFA) Ms. Lada Phumas, Director of the Bangkok Arts and Dance Festival Ms. Vararom Pachimsawat.

The participating Ambassadors and Thai guests tasted Pol Roti, Sri Lankan style chicken curry, fish cutlets, Ceylon Coconut Arrack Cocktail, Ceylon Tea and Watalappan.


26 қыркүйекте Бангкокта Бразилия, Египет, Казақстан, Канада, Колумбия, Норвегия, Түркия және Шри-Ланка дипломатиялық миссияларын ұйымдастыруымен ҚР Таиландтағы Елшісі Р.Есбулатованың бастамасымен бірінші Халықаралық тамақ және сусын дәмін тату іс-шара өтті.

Іс-шараның құрметті қонақтары Таиланд кәсіпкерлері мен іскер топтары, оның ішінде«Sukosol» отельдерінің Президенті және иесі К.Сукосол, Қолөнерді насихаттау жөніндегі сауда-өнеркәсіп қауымдастығының Президенті, «Gaysorn» тобының Төрағасы С.Роджанвонг, Президент және Бас атқарушы директор «Trend Bio Co. Ltd.» П.Чиративат, «Chartered Bank» Бас директоры Л.Кок, вице-президенттің аға көмекшісі, «Banyan Tree Hotel» қонақ үйінің бас директоры Н.Аумпа, Девавонгсе Варопакарна Халықаралық қатынастар институтының директоры (DVIFA) Л.Пумас, Бангкок өнер және би фестивалінің Директоры В. Пахимсават болды.

Дегустация ретінде бразилиялық ірімшік орамдары, мысырлық кошари, канадалық пирог, колумбиялық жеміс муссы, қазақ манты, «Veiled Farm Girls» атты норвегиялық десерт, шри-ланканың карри тауық еті қосылған Пол роти, сондай-ақ түрік черкез тавук сияқты ұлттық тағамдар, жеңіл тамақ, десерттер мен сусындар ұсынылды.


26 сентября впервые в Бангкоке, по инициативе Посла РК в Таиланде Р. Есбулатовой, состоялась «Международная дегустация еды и напитков», организованная дипломатическими миссиями Бразилии, Египта, Казахстана, Канады, Колумбии, Норвегии, Турции и Шри-Ланки.

Почетными гостями мероприятия стали предприниматели и деловые круги Таиланда, в числе которых Президент и владелец «Sukosol Hotels» К.Сукосол, Президент Торгово-промышленной ассоциации содействия ремеслу, Председатель «Gaysorn Group» С.Роджанвонг, Президент и главный исполнительный директор «Trend Bio Co. Ltd.» П. Чиративат, Генеральный директор «Chartered Bank» Л.Кок, старший помощник вице-президента, Генеральный директор отеля «Banyan Tree Hotel» Н. Аумпа, Директор Института иностранных дел Девавонгсе Варопакарна (DVIFA) Л. Пумас, Директор Бангкокского фестиваля искусств и танцев В.Пачимсават.

В качестве дегустации были представлены такие национальные блюда, закуски, десерты и напитки, как бразильские сырные роллы, египетский кошари, канадский пирог, колумбийский фруктовый мусс, казахские манты, норвежский десерт под названием «Veiled Farm Girls», шри-ланский пол роти с курицей карри, а также турецкий черкез тавук.

On September 26, for the first time in Bangkok, on the initiative of the Ambassador of Kazakhstan H.E. Ms. Raushan Yesbulatova, the International Food & Drink Tasting was organized by the Diplomatic missions of Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Norway, Sri Lanka and Turkey.

The guests of honor of the event were entrepreneurs and business circles of Thailand, including President and Owner of Sukosol Hotels Mrs. Kamala Sukosol, President of the Trade and Industry Association for the Promotion of Crafts, Chairman of the Gaysorn Group Ms. Surapee Rojanavongse, President and Chief Executive Officer Trend Bio Co. Ltd. Mrs. Patra Chirathivat, CEO of Chartered Bank Ms. Lyn Kok, Senior Assistant to the Vice President, General Director of the Banyan Tree Hotel Ms. Nopparat Aumpa, Director of the Devawongse Varopakarna Institute of Foreign Affairs (DVIFA) Ms. Lada Phumas, President of the Trade and Industry Association for the Promotion of Crafts, Chairman of the Gaysorn Group Ms. Surapee Rojanavongse, Director of the Bangkok Arts and Dance Festival Ms. Vararom Pachimsawat.

The tasting included such national dishes, snacks, desserts and drinks as Brazilian cheese rolls, Egyptian koshari, Canadian Tourtière, Colombian passion fruit mousses, Kazakh manty, a Norwegian dessert “Veiled Farm Girls”, Sri Lankan Pol Roti with Chicken curry as well as Turkish Çerkez tavuğu.