Press Releases
Thalassemia Foundation and Siam Bioscience Group of Thailand donates Triple 5000 blood bags and Filgrastim 750 Bottles to Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Embassy Connects Businesses to Boost Economic Ties with Cambodia
The Embassy and Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in Thailand accredited to Cambodia successfully organized a networking meeting to connect Sri Lankan companies based in Cambodia with businesses interested in exploring opportunities in this dynamic market on 22nd January 2025. The meeting was attended by representatives from CAMCEM Co. Ltd., the Sri Lanka Association for Software and Services Companies (SLASSCOM), and around 20 Sri Lankan businesses operating in Cambodia, alongside companies keen to expand into the Cambodian market.

Ambassador of Sri Lanka Meets President of the Thai Gem and Jewelry Traders Association to Strengthen Bilateral Collaboration
Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Thailand, Wijayanthi Edirisinghe, met with Chomphol Phornchindarak, President of the Thai Gem and Jewelry Traders Association (TGJTA), to discuss strengthening collaboration between Sri Lanka and Thailand in the gem and jewellery industry on 21st January 2025. The meeting was attended by members of the TGJTA Board of Directors and prominent Sri Lankan gem and jewellery traders who are based in Bangkok.

Professor of Pediatrics and Director of Thalassemia Research Programme of the Committee of Thalassemia Foundation and the President of the ATGenes Co., Ltd., Prof. Vip Viprakasit, handed over Triple 5000 blood bags and Filgrastim 750 Bottles valued 1,173,790 Million Thai Baht to Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the Kingdom of Thailand and Permanent Representative to the UNESCAP, C. A. Chaminda I. Colonne, at the Embassy and Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in Bangkok on 06 th July 2022.
On behalf of the Government and the People of Sri Lanka, Ambassador Chaminda Colonne extended her sincere appreciation to Prof. Vip Viprakasit and his team to make the donation of much needy blood bags a success by working hard since receipt of the request from the Sri Lanka Government.
Ambassador stated that the Sri Lanka Government always acknowledges with great appreciation the services rendered by the Thalassemia Foundation of Thailand to the mankind without boundaries including Sri Lanka. She expressed sincere gratitude to Her Royal Highness Princess Soamsawali, for Her Royal Highness’s Patronage at the Thalassemia Foundation of Thailand as well as for the generosity.
Ambassador also thanked the “Siam bioscience group” for the donation of additional medical supplies for the People of Sri Lanka.
Prof. Vip Viprakasit recalled on the long-standing excellent relations based on Theravada Buddhist values.
While highlighting the Thailand Thalassemia Foundation’s close relations with the Sri Lanka Thalassemia Centre and its’ Director Prof. Anuja Premawardena, Prof. Vip Viprakasit identified the donation as a gift of People of Thailand to People of Sri Lanka proving the proverb “Friend in deed, is a Friend in Need”.
The Thalassemia Foundation of Thailand was established by a group of hematologists, nurses, medical technologists, scientists, parents and thalassemia patient on July 24, 1989.
The invitation extended by Ambassador to investing in pharmaceutical Industry in Sri Lanka was warmly accepted by the, Managing Director Thawatchai Pisetkul of the Apexcela Co. Ltd.of the Siam Bioscience Group.
Siam Bioscience Co., Ltd., the first and only biopharmaceuticals manufacturer in Thailand, was founded in 2009 to preserve and continue what His Majesty the Late King Rama IX started on behalf of the Thai people’s health and wellbeing.
Vice President Saipin Phaholyothin of the Thalesemia Foundation, Associate Prof. Aree Thayananuphat of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Kasetsart University and the Vice President of the AT Genes Co., Ltd. Chief Operating Officer Passaree Tanphaichitr of the ATGenes Co., Ltd., Managing Director Thawatchai Pisetkul of the Apexcela Co.,Ltd. joined the handing over event.
Embassy & Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka
07 th July 2022
Sri Lanka Embassy Connects Businesses to Boost Economic Ties with Cambodia
The Embassy and Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in Thailand accredited to Cambodia successfully organized a networking meeting to connect Sri Lankan companies based in Cambodia with businesses interested in exploring opportunities in this dynamic market on 22nd January 2025. The meeting was attended by representatives from CAMCEM Co. Ltd., the Sri Lanka Association for Software and Services Companies (SLASSCOM), and around 20 Sri Lankan businesses operating in Cambodia, alongside companies keen to expand into the Cambodian market.
Ambassador of Sri Lanka Meets President of the Thai Gem and Jewelry Traders Association to Strengthen Bilateral Collaboration
Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Thailand, Wijayanthi Edirisinghe, met with Chomphol Phornchindarak, President of the Thai Gem and Jewelry Traders Association (TGJTA), to discuss strengthening collaboration between Sri Lanka and Thailand in the gem and jewellery industry on 21st January 2025. The meeting was attended by members of the TGJTA Board of Directors and prominent Sri Lankan gem and jewellery traders who are based in Bangkok.