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இலங்கை ஜனநாயக சோசலிச குடியரசின் தூதரகம் மற்றும் நிரந்தர வதிவிடம், பாங்கொக், தாய்லாந்து இராச்சியம்

The Embassy and Permanent Mission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand

Accredited to the Kingdom of Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic and
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)

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Home 5 Media Releases/News 5 Newly appointed Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka, Ambassador C. A. Chaminda I. Colonne reassured Sri Lanka’s commitment to the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)
Newly appointed Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka
Newly appointed Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka, Ambassador C. A. Chaminda I. Colonne reassured Sri Lanka’s commitment to the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)
“Sri Lanka’s Vibrant Cultural Performances Captivate Audiences in Thailand During 77th National Independence Day and 70th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations”

“Sri Lanka’s Vibrant Cultural Performances Captivate Audiences in Thailand During 77th National Independence Day and 70th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations”

The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Thailand hosted a reception to mark the 77th National Independence Day of Sri Lanka and the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Sri Lanka and Thailand on 10th February 2025. The event took place at the prestigious Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel, attended by around 400 distinguished guests, including Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, members of the Diplomatic Corps, Senior government officials, Business community and members of the Sri Lankan community in Thailand.

Sri Lanka Embassy Connects Businesses to Boost Economic Ties with Cambodia

Sri Lanka Embassy Connects Businesses to Boost Economic Ties with Cambodia

The Embassy and Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in Thailand accredited to Cambodia successfully organized a networking meeting to connect Sri Lankan companies based in Cambodia with businesses interested in exploring opportunities in this dynamic market on 22nd January 2025. The meeting was attended by representatives from CAMCEM Co. Ltd., the Sri Lanka Association for Software and Services Companies (SLASSCOM), and around 20 Sri Lankan businesses operating in Cambodia, alongside companies keen to expand into the Cambodian market.

The newly appointed Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Thailand, C. A. Chaminda I. Colonne had her first courtesy meeting with the Executive Secretary Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana of the UNESCAP virtually on 20th April 2021.

While conveying the warm best wishes of H. E. the President, Hon. Prime Minister and Hon. Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka to the Executive Secretary Alisjahbana, Ambassador and Permanent Representative Chaminda Colonne assured her fullest cooperation and support for future endeavors of the UNESCAP and activities for betterment of motherland, in consultation with line Ministries and agencies in Sri Lanka.

After congratulating and warmly welcoming Ambassador Chaminda Colonne to the UNESCAP, Executive Secretary Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana briefed the arrangements for the 77th Session of the Commission under the theme of “Regional Cooperation to Build Back Better from Crises in Asia and the Pacific” scheduled to be held online from 26-29 April 2021. She highlighted that the forthcoming session would be an opportunity to exchange experiences and learn the best practices of the countries in the region on strategies and actions taken to recovery from the social economic impact of the pandemic. She thanked Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa of Sri Lanka for delivering a prerecorded video message at the opening and Sri Lanka’s active participation at the forthcoming 77th session of the Commission.

While referring to the successful episode of Sri Lanka in COVID 19 responses, recovery strategies, vaccination programme Ambassador Chaminda Colonne highlighted that the Sri Lanka delegation to the 77th Session of the Commission would be headed by the Foreign Secretary Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage, who greatly involved in the COVID-19 pandemic control in Sri Lanka, especially on the repatriation process, since the evolve of the pandemic last year.

Ambassador Chaminda Colonne also took the opportunity to emphasize on the return of migrant workers from the Middle East due to COVID-19 pandemic and importance of creating new employment opportunities for those either domestically or outside Sri Lanka. She elaborated on the possibilities of creating local job market through foreign investments and need to expand Sri Lanka’s export market in the Asia- Pacific region, for the recovery of pandemic hit economy of Sri Lanka.

Both also exchanged their views and reaffirmed their fullest commitment in achieving common Sustainable Development Goals of the UNESCAP.

At the invitation of Executive Secretary Alisjahbana Ambassador Chaminda Colonne also joined the preparatory virtual meeting of the 77th Session of the Commission, thereafter, on 20th April, 2021.

First Secretary & Deputy Permanent Representative for the UNESCAP Saritha Ranatunga also associated with the virtual meetings.

Embassy and the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the UNESCAP

Bangkok, Thailand

23rd April 2021

Meeting with ES UNESCAP 1 1
Bangkok Press Release First Courtesy Call on Excutive Secratary of UNESCAP